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Gold Workbook (8th Grade)


  • Clever & Imaginative
  • Vocabulary Exercises
  • Graphic Organizer
  • Writing Exercises
  • 217 pages
  • Published 2001.

ISBN 978-0-967-10097-5

SKU: 978-0-967-10097-5Categories: 8th Grade (Gold), WorkbooksTags: 8th grade, gold, workbook

The Gold workbook takes the tedium out of language and analytical exercises! It is clever and imaginative. There are two vocabulary exercises, one graphic organizer, and a research or creative writing activity for each of Gold’s prose selections. The vocabulary usage exercises often mimic the style of the great authors. Practice exercises with synonyms/antonyms/homonyms, word analogies, and tests of context are witty and instructive. The Workbook Answer Guide is included in the Teacher’s Edition.

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