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Research Series (Internet Access)


IMPORTANT: You are about to purchase ONLINE ACCESS ONLY. To purchase CDs, go to our Research Series CDs product.

  • One year of online access
  • Great for morally acceptable research project assignments
  • Over 50 relevant research topics with suitable content
  • Includes video clips, photos, charts, diagrams and more
  • Great educational tool

ISBN 978-0-985-80780-1 Research Series CD (Internet Only)
ISBN 978-0-988-82869-8 Research Series Teacher’s Edition CD (Internet Only)

All prices include one year of online access.

Please choose the correct category of school based on the number of enrolled students in the grades which will be using the Research Series information.

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IMPORTANT: You are about to purchase ONLINE ACCESS ONLY. To purchase CDs, go to our Research Series CDs product.

The Mosdos Press Research Series addresses the challenges inherent in assigning any research project, and proves yet again that an intellectual challenge need not be a moral challenge. Access contains over fifty relevant research topics with suitable content—topics that provide the student with the ability to develop a written report with facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information. Fascinating video clips, pictures, charts, and diagrams have all been chosen thoughtfully in collaboration with educators, consistent with normal secular curriculum standards. This innovative educational tool will enable educators to better teach research, writing, and communication skills; foster independent study; and help prepare our children for the future.

ISBN 978-0-985-80780-1 Research Series CD (internet access only)
ISBN 978-0-988-82869-8 Research Series Teacher’s Edition CD (internet access only)


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