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Gold Teacher Edition

Inside the Curriculum

The relevant sample is below the explanation.

Go back to the main page for 8th Grade (Gold) or to the Curriculum Overview.

  • Pre-Curriculum
  • Selection Pages
  • Post-Curriculum
  • Summing Up the Plot is a convenient teacher’s guide to the selection, providing a bulleted, page-for-page summary. This will serve as a good memory aid as you return to the selection each time you teach it.


    Getting Started is a springboard to the selection. An activity, a question, or intriguing information enables the teacher to generate broader student interest.


    Blueprint for Reading


    Background Bytes provides useful and interesting information that may be drawn from biographical information, history, science, geography, or other appropriate disciplines.


    Into the Selection parallels textbook material and clarifies the discussion of theme. It serves as a guide to helping students analyze thematic content.


    Focusing narrows attention to the featured literary component, and expands the discussion of writing, style, tone, and language.

  • Literary Components is a strong lesson tool. Numbers in the margins of the selection text refer teachers to a listing and explanation of the literary component. The numbered, underlined text includes figures of speech, imagery, language, and style, as well as features such as point of view, plot, characterization, setting, atmosphere, foreshadowing, conflict, suspense, rising and falling action, climax, resolution, dialogue, diction, irony, humorous juxtaposition, literary reference, citing authority, and so forth. Often, the Literary Components serve as a way to explain a sophisticated point to the educator, so that in turn, it can be clearly explained to the student.


    Guiding the Reading is a page-for-page listing of literal questions requiring factual recall of the text and analytical questions needing deeper reflection.

  • Studying the Selection


    First Impressions suggests possible responses to the questions posed in the textbook. Quick ReviewIn-Depth ThinkingDrawing Conclusions, and Focus have detailed answers to the questions in the textbook. Helpful material is included for productive class instruction.


    Creating and Writing is the final review element in the textbook. The activities in this section are challenging: one requires creative writing, one is grounded in the theme of the selection and its literary form, and the final activity is non-literate (a work of art, a charitable activity, a fieldwork project, for example).

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